The Health Justice Commons’ vision is grounded in 5 core principles:
Click on each principle to learn more!
#1- Justice is the best medicine.
True health is rooted in justice, health is impossible in justice’s absence.
#2 – Health is the greatest wealth.
Health is the greatest wealth because its value is immeasurable. The conditions and complex inter-relationships upon which collective health depends and is enabled are incalculable.
Every living being, human or non-human is invaluable. In a world reliant on interconnection, there is no ‘away’.
#4 – To harm one is to harm all.
Implementing the precautionary principle now is essential for our human and planetary future.
Healthcare is a human right. Access to it should not be limited for any reason, especially not due to race, class, ethnicity, gender, gender presentation, sexuality, ability, weight, appearance, religion or spiritual beliefs, or citizenship status.